Teenagers today live in a world where a swipe or a tap can open the door to a whole new social circle—but it’s not always a safe or…
Teenage pregnancy rates have been trending down in most countries in the developed world since the early 1970’s. As education increases, availability of contraception becomes more accessible and…
Period Parties are all about celebrating this important milestone into womanhood. Commonly celebrated in many cultures around the world, it seems the Western culture is only just now…
Sexting is a really tricky topic for parents to deal with. How can you provide sexting advice when it literally didn’t exist when you were young? But a…
My eyes were opened to the danger our society faces with online pornography and its influence on our young people. You may be your teen’s best source of information…
Mmmmmmm … “Sex Ed in NZ”. It’s a part of the school curriculum but when do our kids start to learn the nitty gritty about the birds and…
This article explores the combined pill, its advantages and disadvantages. How does the combined pill work? Will it be suitable for you?
This article on condoms for teenagers explains their advantages, how they work and the pros and cons of condoms. Information that all teenagers should know!
This article informs teenagers about contraception and explains their rights, options and which types of contraception are most suitable for teenagers.
Information sharing on periods can be tricky – this information sheet on periods can be used to help explain periods to young people.
When should mums and daughters talk about periods, what advice should we give them and how can we do this effectively?
This article discusses the emotions that surround sexual behaviour and relationships and including them in sexuality education for children and teenagers.
This article discusses sexually transmitted infections (STI) or sexually transmitted diseases (STD) as part of sex education for teenagers in New Zealand today.
What sex education do children and teenagers need and when? Sex education is a very emotive topic, but we also need to deal with the practicalities.
When is the right time for parents to start sex education with their children? This article discusses attitudes and styles of sex education for kids.
This article on progesterone only, or mini pill, explains the advantages & disadvantages of the progesterone only pill as a contraceptive choice.
This article on the Intra Uterine Device / IUD contraceptive explains how it works, who IUDs are suitable for, and the advantages & disadvantages of intra uterine devices.
This article on diaphragms and caps explains how they work, who they are suitable for and the advantages & disadvantages of diaphragms and caps. Note: Diaphragms and caps…
This article on Depo Provera Contraceptive Injection explains how it works, who the injection is suitable for, the risks, the side effects, and the advantages and disadvantages of Depo…
This article on condoms what they are and how they work, the pros and cons of condoms and how to use them safely!
This article explores the combined pill, its advantages, disadvantages, side effects. How does the combined pill work? Will it be suitable for you?