The birth of a baby is a momentous, meaningful event. A special time in our lives that touches us all deeply in different ways. Unfortunately, many mothers enter the last…
When you’re heavily pregnant, and dealing with labour pains, the last thing you want to be doing is leaning over a suitcase, guessing at the items you might…
Life with a newborn can be absolutely amazing, but it can also be hectic and overwhelming. Thankfully there are a range of services that parents of newborns can…
Being diagnosed with postnatal depression (PND) can come as both a shock and a relief. You may feel shocked that you have depression but relieved to know why…
There are lots of fears and myths surrounding HIV and it’s important to get all the facts if you are HIV positive and pregnant or considering getting pregnant.
Traditionally childbirth has been described as consisting of three “mechanisms”: • Powers – The forceful strength of co-ordinated contractions • Passage – The birth canal anatomy, including the…
This article Teenagers and Birth explains some of the issues that are common amongst teenagers when they are at the end of pregnancy or giving birth.
This article outlines the options of where to give birth for women in New Zealand. There are 3 main options of where to give birth.
When we first see those two little lines on that little stick, one can never imagine the joy and love that is about to come. We imagine little…
Many women choose Vaginal Birth after Caesarean, or VBAC, after a previous Caesarean section. Find out more about VBAC in New Zealand.
Twins and triplets are increasingly common in New Zealand – to find out more about twin births and multiple births, read on.
Third degree tears are not common but can have long term effects on the woman’s health – find out how to minimise the risks of third degree tears.
Spontaneous rupture of membranes usually occurs during normal labour – but membranes can rupture before labour also and this can affect progress of labour.
This article explains what to expect when you return home after a Caesarean section. Life at home after a C-section can be pretty tough in the first weeks.
The first few days after a Caesarean section can be difficult and tiring. This article covers what to expect in the post natal ward after a Caesarean section.
Caesarean section is now very common in New Zealand – read about the first 24 hours after Caesarean section and pick up tips to speed your recovery.
This article gives information to NZ parents on promoting natural childbirth and advice on how to keep the birth as natural as possible.
Pain relief is at the foremost of most women’s minds in pregnancy. This article outlines the main options for pain relief in labour in New Zealand today.
This article gives an overview of a typical normal birth. It tells you what to expect and how to optimise your chances of having a normal birth.
This article describes the three stages of labour in pregnancy . Labour has been divided into 3 different stages, although in reality they merge seamlessly together. It is…
In this article on induction of labour we provide an overview, or summary, of what to expect during an induction. If you know you are going to be…
This article describes induction of labour in detail. It describes why and how an induction takes place, including details of risks and complications.
HypnoBirthing® – The Mongan Method involves natural childbirth education, combined with self-hypnosis techniques (including deep relaxation, visualisation, affirmations and special breathing), to achieve a confident, calm, and gentle birth. HypnoBirthing involves more…
This article discusses fetal distress – why a baby may become distressed before birth and the likely consequences of fetal distress.
Episiotomies and tears are common after childbirth. This article explains episiotomies and different types of perineal tears and how they are repaired.
This article provides an overview of Caesarean section – why they are performed and the risks and complications associated with Cesarean section.
This article gives information on Caesarean in Detail – what happens before and after a Caesarean section in New Zealand, what is involved and detail on what it…
Many women in Aotearoa-New Zealand make a birth plan for their labour and birth. A birth plan can help to guide your midwives and doctors and make them…
An Assisted Birth is one where forceps or ventouse are used to assist the birth of the baby.
How will I know if I am in labour? Check our list of signs and symptoms to help you to recognise whether labour is underway.
This easy to use pregnancy and birth terms glossary helps you understand terms commonly used by midwives, doctors and those in the know!
Pre-eclampsia is a condition of pregnancy and affects many women worldwide. This article explains pre-eclampsia and the implications for mother and baby
Ectopic pregnancy is a potentially life threatening condition. Read about the causes and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy and treatment for the condition.
As many as one in four pregnancies end in miscarriage. Find out more about the causes, symptoms, risks, and treatment for miscarriage for women in New Zealand today.