
Grown Ups


ThroughBlue is a Wellington based support group for women with experience of depression.  It has been running for the last 12 years and is a registered charity.  The…

working together as parents

When I first became a parent I recall feeling enormous pressure to get it right and not damage my children. I also felt niggling uncertainties about whether I…

Common parenting mistakes

If you ever struggle with the way your child behaves, you’re certainly not alone! At times, children’s behaviour can be challenging and it can make things difficult for…

greening up your home

Do you want to decrease your family’s impact on the environment but are not sure where to start? Whether you need some ideas that take very little time…

Every year children are seen at emergency departments with injuries caused by toys they’ve just received as Christmas presents. 

When the children’s father no longer lives with you it’s easy to excuse anything to help you forget the man who they call “Dad”. Most divorced parents resent…

Matrimony to Acrimony or Harmony?  The choice is yours … The importance of the choices you make when your marriage ends through which children were born into this…

I believe most of us have what it takes to be genuinely great parents; regardless if we have been separated, divorced or attempting to co-parent. More often than…

To speak ill of your Ex with your child says “I love you, but biologically you’re 50% a Jerk.” Speaking poorly of your child’s other parent is one…

I was told that “assume” means “to make an ass out of you and me” so, although it can seems obvious for why routines are important, let’s just…

Co-parenting Routines

Have you ever stopped to think how many varieties of routines there are? You’d be surprised. You’ll also be surprised at what you think is so obvious, suddenly…

Why do you want to spend less time with your children when growing up happens so quickly these days? Don’t you look back on how many years have…

If you dread handovers – you’re not alone. If you are frustrated because you’ve managed to get your kids to tidy up the house before the Ex comes…

Do you find it takes time for your children to settle in when they come back from the Ex’s place? If you’re like me, sometimes I wonder what…

Albert Einstein when asked of “Relativity” answered with this. “ Relativity: An hour sitting with a pretty girl on a park bench passes like a minute, but a…

Wet or fine, children (and parents with “cabin fever”) need to explore the world via full-day or half-day outings. Find interesting places to visit in your area — parks, museums,…

Eating out has taken on a whole new meaning over the past few years. As New Zealand’s ethnic and cultural population continues to diversify, so your family can…

Life Education Trust is a charitable trust that delivers a health programme that slots into what the children receive as a part of the New Zealand Curriculum, to…

The Outdoor Pursuits Centre — known formally as The Sir Edmund Hillary Outdoor Pursuits Centre of New Zealand, and informally as “OPC” — is New Zealand’s leading provider…

Relationships Aotearoa  is a non-government, not-for-profit agency which provides skilled counselling and education services throughout New Zealand. Their particular field of expertise is relationships, but they work with…

FamilyLife NZ is run by Nikki Bray and her husband Andy Bray.  They run counselling seminars to help couples strengthen their relationships and families, and have already helped 15,000…

Pregnancy help

Pregnancy Help supports the well being of pregnant and recently pregnant women, parents, caregivers and their families/whanau, by providing information and practical support with non-judgemental Care, Concern and…

New Zealand Continence Association

New Zealanders know what it’s like to experience “Life’s little spills”. Loss of bladder or bowel control regularly affects nearly 600,000 of us. Mothers and children are especially…

La Leche League offers information and encouragement – primarily through personal help – to women who want to breastfeed their babies. Find out how it can help you.

Toughlove is a non-profit, self-help organisation that provides ongoing education and active support to NZ families who are struggling with unacceptable behaviour from adolescent children. The programme is…

The SPACE (Supporting Parents Alongside Children’s Education) programme was developed within the Hutt Playcentre Association and is aimed mainly at first time parents and their babies. It has…

Plunket is New Zealand’s leading provider of well child and family health services, and they provide a unique mix of professionals and volunteers working side by side.

Playcentre is an internationally recognised Early Childhood organisation unique to Aotearoa New Zealand. It began as a parent co-operative during the 1940s to support families and promote new…

Multiples NZ-Kiwi Families

Multiples NZ is a not-for-profit organisation which supports families with ‘multiples’, be they twins, triplets, quads or more! The association acts as an overarching support for individual multiple…

Birthright is a national organisation working to support, strengthen and advocate for one-parent families. According to New Zealand census statistics, there has been a 20% increase in the…