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Lives We Leave Behind is a novel by Maxine Alterio about New Zealand nurses in World War I. I'm liking
Even in this day of search engines and symptom finders, there is probably still a place for the family first
Thank you for the opportunity to review these! We loved them! The CalciYum Poptops are still the great tasting CalciYum
A collection of stories and poems written by a stunning line up of New Zealand authors, for children of all
Anchor CalciYum Dairy Snack is a great snack and comes in different flavours and has 40% of your daily calcium
NW is the latest novel from Zadie Smith, author of Autograph Man, White Teeth and On Beauty. I'm liking This
Oliver Jeffers has put out yet another gorgeously illustrated and rather whimsical picture book. If you haven't discovered his books
A compliation of the very successful New Zealand baking books: Ladies, A Plate and A Second Helping, Ladies, a Plate:
Anchor CalciYum flavoured milk in plastic pop top bottles I'm liking Pop top closable tops Recyclable packaging The conclusion Calci
A bamboo trifold nappy which can be adjusted to fit. I'm liking The softness! I'd recently moved away from using
Sometimes my job is awesome and the day a gorgeous package of Kokoleka Hot Chocolate arrived on my door was
The Kapu Forest app is a cute wee game where you click and drag objects for animals in the forest.
Introducing Little Baa Baa, Quirky Turkey and Silly Billy. This delightful story of trickery driven by boredom is a fun
Calci Yum Dairy food comes in a range of flavours including chocolate, strawberry, caramel, Triple Delicious, Tripalicious, Wicked Chocolate and Cars.
I'm not sure whether to call Easy Party Treats for Children a cook book for adults or non-fiction for children! The layout
My four kids have just had the pleasure of reviewing Anchor CalciYum Dairy Food and Anchor CalciYum Pop Tops. They
Well known New Zealand Baby Whisperer, Sharlene Poole, has compiled her hints for raising happy, contented babies in this comprehensive
Kinect Adventures! is a full-featured Kinect game where you and your friends will explore the world – and beyond –
Anchor Calciyum Pop Tops is a Flavoured milk in a bottle that has a top on it that you can
The Templeton Twins Have an Idea, Book One is about twins, aged 12, whose dad's an inventor. However, when the