
Attention parents with children in and around Dunedin at a loss in this second week of the holidays: here is one fantastic way to fill in a morning or afternoon. Why Are My Parents So Boring? is showing at the Fortune Theatre and it is truly a performance not to be missed.

I’m liking

Written by kiwi Dan Bain – who also stars as the father in this production, this is a refreshing, hilarious, heartwarming tale. Acted with such colour and enthusiasm, it tells the story of two very boring parents who read the financial news and their lively daughter who is home for the school holidays, wanting to play.

This is a lovely story, which turns a full circle during the performance – but I won’t give away any details. Suffice to say many children were laughing with great joy and hilarity for the duration of the 40 minute production. There are no spoken words in this play, but don’t be fooled: it is masterful for this reason, and highly engaging as a result. En masse audience participation is invited on a number of occasions, which the children took to like ducks to water.

Things that made me go hmmmm

The conclusion

A ticket costs $8. That is a fantastic price for such high-quality entertainment. Children should have access to great theatre, and this play certainly offers that. Suited from age 3/4 up. Get out and enjoy it, Dunedin! It’s the best piece of theatre I’ve seen for some time.

Performances are at 11am and 1pm through to 28 July.
(No performances on Monday, 22 July).


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