
TummyTalk is a magazine for pregnant women living in Taranaki, produced by Active Birth Taranaki Inc. It outlines some of the choices women can make about birth, and includes a range of positive birth stories from local women. TummyTalk is a celebration of pregnancy, labour and the birth of a new life.  It’s aim is to educate and empower women, so they have the confidence to birth naturally.  The magazine contains articles by world experts on natural birth, as well as a selection of inspiring birth stories.  Midwives in Taranaki are constantly commenting on the effects TummyTalk is having on their clients in helping them view birth as a normal process.

The magazine is free for pregnant women in Taranaki, and is distributed by Lead Maternity Carers (midwives and obstetricians.) Ask your LMC for a copy at your next visit!

If you live outside of Taranaki, you can place an order by emailing orders@h2ohbaby.co.nz and they will send you an order form. Bulk orders from midwives and childbirth educators are also very welcome!


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.


  1. no stand out articles that make you want to read them. I tend to get distracted by the ad’s and forget to look at the articles!

  2. nothing more special then others though and it is quite expensive!! Id rather pick up a cheaper one with the same things in it!

  3. I wish we had a magazine like this in Tauranga when I was pregnant with
    my kids especially with my oldest as it would be perfect for first time

  4. I have read only two of these mags while visiting my sister. very handy articles and great ideas for new moms. 

  5. I wish we had somebody doing this here in dunedin! it looks like a really awesome idea!

  6. If you live in Taranki and this mag is for you. My friend get this book
    and i have found it interesting. She gets it from her midwives centre.

    The mag is about pregancy, labour and the birth. it educates woman about the new life they bring to the world. 

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