
Treasures magazines

I’m liking

I love the whole thing- the ideas for entertaining toddlers (as they are such a handful and always want to do new things). I really love the articles where they put two peoples point’s of veiw against each other and I love recipes.

Things that made me go hmmmm

I was subscribing for $20 a year so about $10 cheaper a year then just buying them off the shelf. Which was cool. What is disappointing is that you don’t get any of the freebies they give away with it in store. I understand that you would want to interest people in the fight to get your mag purchased but what about sending a freebie to the people who support you year after year?

The conclusion

Pretty good mag but I won’t subscribe anymore as the give aways are usually pretty cool like headbands and things- so if you buy it in store you spend about $10 more a year but you get way more then that in freebies.


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