
Gavin Bishop retells this classic story of The Three Little Pigs, showing the power of the individual to overcome the odds. In this case the third industrious little pig makes a fool of the wolf a number of times.

I’m liking

A beautifully illustrated book that brings a contemporary flavour to a well known story. This is a great way to introduce your children to the classics. Gavin Bishop uses humor and fun at the expense of the wolf. A great tale of brains beating brawn.

Things that made me go hmmmm

This is a move back to the original story. Some children may be disconcerted that the first two little pigs get eaten, rather than being able to escape as they were in the Disney version. My son was quite troubled by this stark difference and asked me a number of times about the plight of the first two pigs.

The conclusion

All in all, this is a wonderfully illustrated book that has become a favourite in our household.


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