
The Silly Goat Gruff is a new twist on the classic tale of The Billy Goat Gruff and is written by kiwi Scott Tulloch. As an adult I think this book is brilliant, funny and witty. I’m slightly hesitant to recommend it for all children, however those who enjoy it are sure to request it over and over.

I’m liking

The text is written in a fantastic metrical pattern that rolls off the tongue with ease. I love the crafting of the words and the ryhmes for the most part are original and fitting, and don’t seem forced.

The images are clever, fit well with the text and have some elements of hilarity.

Many children will adore the way the smart final goat to cross the troll’s bridge turns into a kung-fu, boxing, yodelling champion to beat the troll down.

Things that made me go hmmmm

My son is not bothered by scary images at his present stage of development, but I can imagine some children being pretty scared at the contents of this book. While one expects a troll to be somewhat scary, parents should perhaps tread carefully if they would be concerned that their child could end up a bit fearful as a result of certain text and pictures. The yodelling goat brings the troll to his demise with the following words:
“He yodelled off its scales and he yodelled off its skin,
he yodelled off its claws and its mean and nasty grin,
he yodelled off its eyebrows and the warts upon its chin,
he yodelled it to smithereens, and then he said… I win.”

It’s fair to say that the same text and pictures will delight some children for being slightly edgier than other children’s books, so this might work in your favour!

The conclusion

Personally I really enjoy reading the book aloud, and I am happy to do so again and again. New elements in the text and pictures still hold my attention and I so appreciate that some of the text and concepts are not too simplified so will encourage children to learn something a bit new. I would definitely recommend it if it sounds like something your children would be into, I can particularly imagine primary-aged boys finding it very amusing and enjoyable.

The Silly Goat Gruff is published by Scholastic and retails for around $19.00.


Sally is the Community Manager here at Kiwi Families. She fills her time with her handsome, busy boys and her handsome, busy husband; trying out new recipes and researching and writing about family life in Aotearoa.

1 Comment

  1. Jacqui Pepper Reply

    This is definitely a book I’ll be looking out for to read to the grandchildren.

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