
Since performing their debut children’s show in 2009 The Listies have quickly become one of the most sought after children’s performers in Australia. Receiving widespread critical acclaim they are changing the face of children’s entertainment and they’re currently performing at Concert Chamber, Auckland Town Hall.

I’m liking

The family and I loved the live show yesterday. My kids (9 & 11yrs) were riveted the entire time and talked about how much they loved it all the way home on the moterway. We loved the freshness, silliness and humor. The kids particularly loved the crazy facial expressions, the pong game, the toilet humour, taking on the aliens and the water fight.

The conclusion

I will be hightly recomending it to all 7- 14yrs old kids. Such a great show.


Rochelle is mum to three gorgeous daughters. She wishes she had more time to garden and read the newspaper in peace!

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