
Save The Day

From the Academy Award-winning creators of “Toy Story”, “Monsters, Inc.” and “Finding Nemo,” comes this hilarious action-packed animated adventure about superheroes. Bob Parr used to be one of the world’s greatest superheroes (known to all as “Mr. Incredible”), saving lives and fighting evil on a daily basis.

But now, fifteen years later, Bob and his wife (a famous superhero in her own right) have adopted civilian identities and retreated to the suburbs to live normal lives with their three kids. Now he’s a clock-punching insurance claims adjuster fighting boredom and a bulging waistline. Itching to get back in to action, Bob gets his chance when a mysterious communication summons him to a remote island for a top-secret assignment.

Pixar Animation Studios stretches the boundaries of the art form with this stylish and entertaining film. Acclaimed filmmaker Brad Bird (“The Iron Giant”) directs.

Cast: Samuel L. Jackson, Jason Lee, Wallace Shawn, Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, Lou Romano, Spencer Fox, Dominique Louis, Teddy Newton, Jean Sincere, Eli Fucile, Maeve Andrews, Wayne Canney

Director: Brad Bird

Running Time: 
111 mins

(PG) Contains medium level violence


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.


  1. This is a great action animation. I watched ages ago and it made a real impression on me.

  2. We as a familiy thoroughly enjoy this.

    What I really enjoy
    about this movie, is that inspite of being Superheros, theCharacters are
    a family not very different to any other family.

    Also they are
    realistic,as they face the same issues we all face, e.g. Dad getting
    older and overweight, sneaking off and doing something silly that he did
    when he was young, having problems at work…Violet finding her
    identity as a teen and dash getting up to pranks in the class room!!!
    And mum trying keep the family together.

    The adventure aspect is very well done graphically and highly entertaining…

    you remembering that if you stick together as a family and use your
    combined gifts and talents you can overcome any challenge!!!

  3. My kids just loved this movie and i did have my son running who was 4 at
    that time running around with his undies on over his pants thinking he
    was Mr Incredible. Good animations and graphics

  4. This is my favourite pixar movie, I can watch it with my kids and we
    never get bored. The animation is top notch and the voice acting is
    I found this movie to be one of the rare enjoyable family
    films. One question What would happen if some of the superheroes

  5. Katchandler Reply

    Me and my hubby loved this movie, so much so that we have bought it for
    our collection of cool kids movies for when the girls are older, good
    subtle mix of adult humour in there too! Although a cartoon, little
    kids might find it a little long…

    Its funny whenever I see a
    superhero movie like this it always makes me wonder what kind of
    superpower I would want to have – I think its a tie between x-ray vision
    and invisibilty LOL!!

  6. this was my daugthers one of favourite movies. She was able to watch
    this as the birthday gift when when it first came out. Nice story about
    the fat guy being mr incrediblel.

  7. We saw this one as a family of 5 at the movies when it came out.

    Given that we have three children – a daughter and then two boys, it went down particularly well.

    fact, to this day, the kids refer to themselves by their character name
    – the name that has stuck the most is “Dash” for our middle son, who
    runs really fast!

    And of course I am known as Elasto-woman, which is kind of fun.

    This is a lovely movie, which once again provides great imaginative opportunites for children

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