
Paddy and Flynn’s dog Coco is outside when she is suddenly swooped off by a dragon! The boys mount a rescue mission to the dragon’s lair, making sure they have the right supplies for the journey.

The book has rhyming text and full-page colour illustrations.

I’m liking

The story is simple and attractive, and keeps moving along nicely with no asides or ‘boring bits’ to lose your listeners! With few exceptions, the text is ‘properly’ rhyming and flows well. There are some nicely-placed witty remarks, and I really like the combination of large colour illustrations and extra black and white line drawings on the facing page.

Things that made me go hmmmm

The font may annoy some people, as it’s a bit unusual – nothing to affect readability though. I’m not quite sure what the intended age group is here, as the story is simple, say for 3-4 year olds, (albeit with twists that will interest a slightly older age group), but there are a lot of words.

The conclusion

This story brought a smile to my face, and I’m sure it will to my children’s too. Marmite and lemon sandwiches, anyone?

It is advertised as Book One of the Dragon Brothers Trilogy, and I’ll be looking out for the next instalment.


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