This beautiful adaptation of the beloved The Boy and The Moon, winner of multiple international independent film awards, tells the story of a boy who swims the deepest seas and slays the mightiest dragons to win the Moon’s love.
I’m liking
This is a beautiful looking book that makes use of a limited palette of colours to great effect. The images are stylised and have a dream-like quality. In many ways, the images are the real strength of this book.
Things that made me go hmmmm
I’m not sure whether this is a thing that makes me go hmmm or not but it’s worth mentioning that there is some fairly complex vocabulary in this book. I had to explain or simplify a lot of words the first couple of times through.
The conclusion
This is a lovely looking book and although the text is challenging for younger children, it’s worth the effort.
The boy who loved the moon is published by Familius LLC and has a rrp of $35