
In this revised edition of Shepherding a Child’s Heart, Dr. Tedd Tripp not only draws on his thirty years of experience as a pastor, counselor, school administrator, and father, but he also shares insights gained in ten years of teaching this material in conferences worldwide, providing more valuable help for parents.


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.


  1. I was horrified by this book. I am a Christian who does believe in spanking, but only when all other forms of discipline have failed.

  2. I have watched the Dvd series of this book. It contains so much wisdom on how to raise kids in a biblical fashion. The concept of true biblical discipline is worked out through all scripture in an easy to understand form. I believe that Tedd Tripp has captured what a childs heart is and how to bring him/her (as much as we have control over) to Christ through Godly parenting. I totally disagree with ‘avikash’ who posted previously and say that smacking is so much distorted by the world and done so much out of anger that the child learns nothing. Tedd illustrates that anger has to stay out of it and smacking only truly works when coupled with instruction and explanation from the bible about why the child actions where wrong. I put this forward then as a complete biblical guide on raising young Children. I would recommend it to anyone that is willing to put the time in to raise Godly kids.

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