
By the author – Stephanie Blake- of Poo Bum, Stupid Baby is an irreverent look at ‘the new baby’.

I’m liking

This book tackles that awkward subject of having a new baby in the house and takes a good-humoured approach to the topic. The images are simple but engaging and the narrative captures a ‘put out’ child nicely.

Things that made me go hmmmm

If you’ve read some of my other reviews, you might know that I’m not a great fan of strong language in kids’ books… and, to be honest, I found ‘Stupid Baby’ a bit of a challenge… I know sounds a bit daft, but I read this book to my daughter as ‘Silly Baby’ (until someone else told her that it was actually ‘Stupid Baby’ 😉 ).

I also felt a bit nervous about the fact that the little boy takes the baby to bed with him at the end of the book. I know it’s just a book but I’m not sure that it’s the kind of thing I want to suggest to my daughter.

The conclusion

This is a cute book in lots of ways and I’m sure that lots of parents will love it. However, it wasn’t really for me… However, it has Gecko Press’s usual gorgeous high standards of production and it’s a lovely looking book.


Rochelle is mum to three gorgeous daughters. She wishes she had more time to garden and read the newspaper in peace!


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