
This book is designed to help young children try new foods and finish off their meals. As parents of two young boys, the author and his wife found that rather than enjoying each other’s company at family mealtimes, they were constantly encouraging their kids to eat. This often ended up in a frustrating struggle to help them eat up their vegetables and salad. They made a game of it by getting the boys to imitate animals in the wild – and they were motivated by knowing the goal was only a few mouthfuls away. They loved making a “bing” noise to indicate that their mouthful was finished and then they could turn the page to the next hungry animal. The book was born.

Big Mouth book acknowledges that it is the parents decision on what food to serve to their children. Similarly, it is the child’s choice to eat all of the meal, some of it or none of it. This book is designed to create a relaxed environment where the adult can provide attention to the child and the child can be focused on the meal. By promoting healthy eating as a fun activity, children will learn to do it all by themselves.

This book can be purchased through www.bigmouthbook.com.


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.

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