
Sport in Art puzzles, flashcards and cards are great gifts for boys- especially rugby loving one!!

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The art work in these puzzles and flashcards is really high quality. Created by New Zealand artist, Austin Whincup, the flashcard pack contains 26 different alphabet flash card images that show different aspects of rugby. The pictures are engaging and detailed and will appeal to a wide age range.

As well as the flashcards, you can also buy greeting cards and story books, and my personal favourite- jigsaws. They jigsaws are a great size for preschoolers and have just the right level of complexity for children who are moving on from very basic puzzles. My 3 1/2 could do it by herself after the first time and she now loves getting it out to do it by herself. She also really likes talking about the different flashcards and what is happening in them.

The flashcards also work really nicely as decorations – they’d make a great wall frieze.

Things that made me go hmmmm

The jigsaw is just made of cardboard, however, so you will need to make sure that you don’t let your baby chew on the pieces, for example 😉

The conclusion

The creators of these puzzles and flashcards tell me that these products have been a great hit not only with boys and dads but also men with intellectual impairments, as they are simple but not at all babyish. And I think that’s really cool. If you’ve got a fellow in your life who loves rugby, these would make an excellent present- get some for Father’s Day!!


Rochelle is mum to three gorgeous daughters. She wishes she had more time to garden and read the newspaper in peace!

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