
I think that Kiwis are the cleverest people ever and the SitActive Active Posture Cushion is another example of how a good idea can lead to a great product. The SitActive Active Posture Cushion allows you to move…. you can rock, roll, stretch your muscles and flex your spine, all from the comfort of your chair.

I’m liking

If you’ve ever used a swiss ball at your desk, you’ll know that it’s great for your abs but takes up *lots* of space. The The SitActive Active Posture Cushion gives you the same advantages without needing all that space! Just pop it on your chair and away you go.

As well as helping with your posture, the other side of the cushion is also great for a foot massage – fab!

Things that made me go hmmmm

This cushion would be best for those with an adjustable chair, as it adds height to your chair. I tried it on a fixed chair and it was ok but I think that you’d get a better result with an adjustable chair.

The conclusion

A great product from a clever New Zealander. If you suffer from back pain or like using a swiss ball to sit on, I’d recommend trying this out.


Rochelle is mum to three gorgeous daughters. She wishes she had more time to garden and read the newspaper in peace!

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