
The story of the world’s only superstar bird – Sirocco the kakapo, a bird who thinks he’s human.

I’m liking

This book had lovely, full-page, full-colour photos of Sirocco and other kakapo. It is not just the story of Sirocco himself, from hatchling to super star, but the story of all kakapo – charting their salvation (we hope!) from the very edge of extinction.

We get to meet some of the people in Sirocco’s life, and see where he spends most of the year, as well as behind the scenes of his travelling months, when he goes on on tour to promote kakapo conservation.

Things that made me go hmmmm

The only thing that gave me pause was the inclusion of the twitter and facebook pages for Sirocco. These are great in themselves, and a fabulous way of keeping kakapo conservation in peoples’ newsfeeds, but when I had a look with my daughter (who naturally begged to see them, having read about them in the book), there were a couple of comments on the page that were a little bit ‘adult’. Like all things on the ‘net, the page itself may need previewing for young ones, as sometimes people leave comments that are not quite G-rated. Your mileage may vary, depending on you and your child 🙂

The conclusion

Loved the book. Was a great read with the kids, and Miss8 is now the household kakapo expert!


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