
Q&A a day for kids is 365 questions to ask your child with 3 spaces for their answers so you can record their answers over three years and see how they change.

I’m liking

Love this book for starting interesting conversations with my 4 year old! Each day we do one question – things such as the following (his answers I’ve put in too):

“What was the most boring part of school today?”
– “Tidying up outside because I don’t like tidying up.”

“If you buried a treasure chest, what would be in it?”
– “Money and golden crystals and a map.”

“When were you brave?”
– “On the monkey bars at school because I thought I was going to fall on my back so I bent my knees because that’s the rules at school.”

I haven’t come across a question yet that I felt uncomfortable asking my son, and I love having the extra insight into his day!

The conclusion

Highly recommend this as a gift – it’s not a big commitment to fill in the answers each day and it’s a nice ritual to learn more about your kids and have this to look back on (and laugh at some of the answers to) later on.


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