
A rechargeable toothbrush designed for kids.

Features include a timer and cool bleepy noises to keep kids ‘entertained’ and build them up to two minutes of brushing, different brush heads and power modes for age groups 4+ and 7+, and interchangeable panels so kids can pimp their brush.

I’m liking

I’m basking in the ease of brushing my nearly four year olds teeth! No wrestling, bribery, having to brrrr like a moving dentist chair and for that alone I rate this up there with sliced bread (mmmmm with a nice thick slab of ham & pickled onion).
J proudly chose a ‘snazzy’ design panel, attached the age appropriate head (they have two options) and set it free on her pearly whites, but here’s the really clever thing…just at the limit of her attention span (30 seconds) it lets out a cool space invader type noise….it left her/us hanging on to hear the next one, and the next etc. Apparently this is a heads up to move on to the next ‘quadrant’ of teeth but it just made her happy to brush so much longer. We’ll deal with quadrants later!
It seems comfortable for big and little hands to hold and has that weighty feeling of a quality product.
It fits tidily onto it’s stand (with room for two attachment heads) waiting to perform good deeds the following day.

Things that made me go hmmmm

It was neat having a choice of four ‘snazzy pants’ designs to stick to the handle but they’re not really our kinda thing, nor interchangeable when they fall out of favour. I guess it’s a hard road trying to appeal to boys and girls 4 years onwards and in the scheme of things so what if the rust red doesn’t go with my hand towels (joke) if I just have to close my eyes and listen to that supersonic brush purring over my kids teeth!

The cost may be a deterant but I anticipate this toothbrush will be around for a long time for both my girls and if it gets me out of the dentists badbooks….

The conclusion

After two weeks of use I would recommend this product to anyone who cringes at the thought of brushing their little ones teeth. It’s actually made it sooo much fun that my sweetcakes ASKS (you heard) to brush her teeth morning and night and sometimes inbetween…long may it last.


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