
Parenting is New Zealand’s only magazine for parents of kids aged between 0 through to 18 years. Credible and inspiring articles provide practical advice, creative ideas and hot tips on topics such as instilling values, placing boundaries, enriching relationships, keeping the ‘fun factor’ in your home and how to raise happy, confident kids.

Beyond nappy rash and starting solids, many more complex and bewildering parenting challenges await. Parenting magazine offers support and information for all the issues parents face, right through to the tumultuous teens. Published quarterly by Parents Inc. the practical, well researched and inspiring articles offer wise advice, creative ideas and hot tips on raising happy, confident kids. Parenting magazine is a must have for the growing family with regular features on: education, relationships, parenting solo, personality types, baffling Behaviour and keeping the fun factor.


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.


  1. have no problem with this magazine. I find it a great read. I always look forward to picking up my next copy from shops.

  2. I spotted this magazine at the Plunket rooms when I went to the local coffee group. What an awesome magazine. 

  3. are great articles, hot Tipsand ideas for all ages of children from babies through to teens.

  4. I try to read from cover to cover unfortunately both my boys keep me so busy I only get a quick read. Great articles.

  5. There were always good ideas of how to manage behaviour and play with your children creatively. 

  6. only magazine for parents of kids aged between 0 through to 18 years. I
    guess if you need ideas with busy toddlers and tenagers than this mag
    is for you. It covers a lots of variety of topics and you can also
    refer back to old issues for ref.

  7. We get a subscription to this mag and have found it to be really great,
    there are always new things to learn or try out and there are good
    morals behind Ian Grant’s work. His books are great too, my husband has
    read and highlighted most of Ian’s book “Father’s who Dare Win”.

  8. i was very impressed with this mag i found that i could touch bases with
    alot of the articles in here plus the fun activities in here where good
    to know and do. i recon that this book is well worth the price you pay
    for what you get and this is right on the mark

  9. but again it is expensive and has half the pages as other parenting
    mags, has sound advice and stories from ian grant and his family which i
    love, topics are fun and serious at the same time, and i have found
    they are really relevent to things happening, great mag that i must
    admit is the only parenting mag i keep and read more then once! great
    buy for toddlers and upwards and if you have the little extra cash to
    fork out 

  10. I was given a year’s subscription to this magazine but decided not to
    renew it. I found the articles informative with a range for all ages.
    There were always good ideas of how to manage behaviour and play with
    your children creatively. However, I was upset by the lack of role
    models and examples of families portrayed in the magazine to represent
    the variety found in New Zealand society. It felt very white middle
    class. Some examples of families portrayed a life of going on skiiing
    holidays , etc which felt a little incongruous with the general
    population of our country. I like the emphasis on developing character
    in children but don’t feel an affinity to the culture represented in the

  11. I really like Mary and Ian Grant’s parenting wisdom they deliver in this
    magazine. I like the seperate sections for age groups at the back and
    the informative articles on current parenting issues.
    I also subscribe to the weekly hot tip which comes via email and have used more than one.

  12. I have been buying this magazine for years now; even before I was
    married and had any children because I found it useful as a teacher
    also. There are great articles and “hot Tips” and ideas for all ages of
    children from babies through to teens. It also has a section on
    relationships. Overall, I would say it is my favourite magazine and one
    of few magazines I read cover to cover. It is cheaper if you subscribe
    to it yearly through Parenting Inc.

  13. I really like this parenting magazine as it covers all the ages from
    baby – teen. Having a baby, a pre-school and a primary age girls I find
    most of the articles relevant to my situation and gives me an insight
    as to what’s to come. 

  14. I really like this one. It has good solid advice from people like Ian
    Grant, and it’s fun to read. It’s a bit expensive though, so I don’t
    buy it every month, but I will pick it up when there’s an article that
    particularly interests me.

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