
The Paladin Prophecy by Mark Frost is a fantasy book about Will West who’s father has given a list of rules to live his life by. These rules are designed to help him slip under the radar but also mean he doesn’t have any friends.

Then one day he scores top marks in a nationwide exam – by accident, and suddenly he’s the centre of attention.

I’m liking

Some parts of this book are thoughtful and beautifully written. I especially liked some of the musings on life. Will realising he has friends for the first time in his life was especially poignant.

Things that made me go hmmmm

The writing was uneven and at times the decisions characters made didn’t seem plausible.

The conclusion

I enjoyed the book, while it’s obviously written for a teen audience I found parts of the book particularly enjoyable. It feels a little like a movie script and sometimes the chase scenes would work better in a movie, but I was engaged until the end and would happily read the next book in the series.


Rochelle is mum to three gorgeous daughters. She wishes she had more time to garden and read the newspaper in peace!

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