
The Eureka design your own kaleidoscope lets you create your own patterns and then project them onto walls and ceilings!

The pack comes with a range of coloured shapes that you place on the transparent disc, then insert the disc into the projector torch and turn on. You can rotate the disc to change and move the pattern projection around.

I’m liking

When this kaleidoscope arrived, I had intended to send it off to someone else for review but my almost 4 year old clamped her eyes on it and decided that it was definitely for her. And she’s loved it. She had a great time putting the coloured shapes into the disks and we chatted away about the different shapes and colours. She had no idea what the kaleidoscope did and I loved watching her face when we turned it on. The disks are really easy to change and turn and the patterns it projects are gorgeous.

The kaleidoscope also comes with batteries included, which is awesome, ‘cos we all know how frustrating it is to get a new toy then have to go out and get batteries!!!

Things that made me go hmmmm

The recommended age for this kaleidoscope is 6+ and my daughter certainly needed supervision to set up the disks. However, once the disks were put together, she didn’t have any trouble managing it. It would definitely be a hazard for little ones, though, and we’ve had to keep it well out of the reach of our 1 year old.

The conclusion

My daughter is going through a phase where she likes to take a light to bed with her and this kaleidoscope has been a lovely bed-time toy for her.


Rochelle is mum to three gorgeous daughters. She wishes she had more time to garden and read the newspaper in peace!

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