
The Mumanu pregnancy pillow is a self-inflating velvety bolster which supports you in bed to help relieve the lower back and hip pain associated with pregnancy.

I’m liking

That this pillow replaces the need for me to have two pillows between my legs, one under my belly and another at my back. I’ve been crippled by pregnancy sciatica for the last month and the Mumanu allows me a relatively comfortable night. Since I’m not waking as much, i also don’t have to get up to empty my bladder every hour, which is a relief. I’m not exactly bouncing out of bed yet, but i do feel more rested.

Things that made me go hmmmm

It’s a bit noisier than the feather-stuffed variety but that doesn’t really bother me.

The conclusion

Good, simple, unpretentious product, which in my case works better than panadol. The makers suggest the Mumanu can also be useful during “love-making” , in childbirth and while breast-feeding in a prone position, but i’m not qualified to comment on the veracity of these claims as yet.


Rochelle is mum to three gorgeous daughters. She wishes she had more time to garden and read the newspaper in peace!

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