
Meet Judy Moody, her little “bother” Stink, her best friend Rocky and her “pest” friend Frank Pearl in the first book of this internationally bestselling series. Judy has a mood for every occasion – bad moods, good moods, even back-to-school moods. But she has such fun putting together a “me” collage for her new teacher, that she nearly forgets to be moody at all!

About the Author

Megan McDonald is the author of the bestselling Judy Moody series. She says that most of the stories about Judy came out of growing up the youngest of five girls. She lives in California, USA, with her husband. Peter H. Reynolds is the illustrator of the successful Judy Moody series and is the author/illustrator of the inspirational picture books The Dot, Ish and So Few of Me. He lives in Massachusetts, USA.


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.


  1. I like Judy moody books and my daughter loves reading them. Great series.

  2. Sounds like my daughter when she is in one of her moods. I liked her
    little brother Stink the best. This book is for girls who live with

  3. Judy Moody, is my neices favourite. She has been reading them
    since she was in year four. Her favourite of the series is when Judy
    Moody predicts the future. Great for girls

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