
A new series begins, starring that rascally cat, Slinky Malinki, first introduced by Dodd in “Hairy Maclary Scattercat.” Here, Slinky spends his nights as a thief, but by morning comes to realize crime doesn’t pay. Full color.


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.


  1. The Hairy Maclarey books are awesome to read. I particularly like this one.

  2. This is another of our family’s favourites. Our kids love books. They especially love the Hairy Maclarey range.

  3. Great book i used to read this with my little neices before. Love the authur.

  4. upbeat and a family favourite. We love the characters and enjoy
    reading this one over and over. Lynley Dodd is one of my favourite kids
    storybook writers and definitely my sons favourite as well as his two
    cousins. Great books to collect and always worth the money!

  5. My son loves this book. He was introduced this book at day care
    and now he wants one at home. I like the way he tries to say the names
    of the dogs.

  6. this book is loved so much by my son, we read it over and over, infact we hardley need the book anymore!

  7. Its their favorite from the Lynley Dodd series. I have read it so many
    times that I know it by heart. this book is my favourte.

  8. This is an all time favorite in my house. Its my favorite from the Lynley Dodd series.

  9. Rocketpower Reply

    My boys love this book. Its not their fav in the Lynley Dodds series, thats reserved for Hairy Mcleary from Donaldsons Dairy!!!

    They love the descriptiveness, my 5yo laughs his way through the book watching Slinky Malinki.

    The pictures are great, kids can easily adentify whats going on

  10. The Hairy Maclarey books are awesome to read. I particularly like this one.

  11. This is another of our family’s favourites. Our kids love books. They especially love the Hairy Maclarey range.

  12. Great book i used to read this with my little neices before. Love the authur.

  13. upbeat and a family favourite. We love the characters and enjoy
    reading this one over and over. Lynley Dodd is one of my favourite kids
    storybook writers and definitely my sons favourite as well as his two
    cousins. Great books to collect and always worth the money!

  14. My son loves this book. He was introduced this book at day care
    and now he wants one at home. I like the way he tries to say the names
    of the dogs.

  15. this book is loved so much by my son, we read it over and over, infact we hardley need the book anymore!

  16. Its their favorite from the Lynley Dodd series. I have read it so many
    times that I know it by heart. this book is my favourte.

  17. This is an all time favorite in my house. Its my favorite from the Lynley Dodd series.

  18. Rocketpower Reply

    My boys love this book. Its not their fav in the Lynley Dodds series, thats reserved for Hairy Mcleary from Donaldsons Dairy!!!

    They love the descriptiveness, my 5yo laughs his way through the book watching Slinky Malinki.

    The pictures are great, kids can easily adentify whats going on

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