
What I liked

The Love to Wrap Swaddle Up is a beautifully made zip-up, body-hugging sleeping bag that keeps a baby wrapped up snugly.  I loved the thought that has gone into its design, and the high quality of the execution.

The zip up the front goes both ways, so you can change a nappy while keeping your baby’s upper body swaddled.  The top of the zip has a little material cover to stop the zip irritating the baby.  There’s even a peek flap at the back so you can check the state of the nappy without unwrapping your little bundle of joy.

It’s 93% cotton, 7% elastene and best of all, the white one I had made my little angel look like a little angel!

Things that made me go hmm… 

Every baby is, of course, different, and as it happened, this design didn’t work for our baby.

There’s space by the shoulders for the baby’s hands to be up around face height (but wrapped, so they can’t scratch themselves).  This looked very cutely like angel wings!  But our baby wakes himself up if his hands aren’t wrapped at his sides, so this swaddle allowed a bit much freedom of movement for his situation.

But if you prefer to wrap your baby with bent elbows and hands up, or if you’re wrapping purely to prevent scratching, this is an excellent model.

Extra for Experts

This would be a great present for parents of any baby with eczema or other itchy skin problems, who are in despair over stopping their child scratching themselves.  Mittens often fall off, but there’s no escaping this wrap.


If you want a simple way of wrapping your baby, this is a great product.  No more fiddling around with swaddle origami, just zip your bub up and take a photo of how sweet s/he looks!


Thalia Kehoe Rowden began 2011 as the minister of West Baptist Church in New Plymouth and ended it as the mother of a charming newborn baby. She's also an awesome parallel parker, a wannabe runner and enthusiastic but rubbish at gardening. She blogs at Kiwi Families on the spiritual practice of parenthood: listening to God as we parent our children, hearing God's voice through them and through the delights and despairs of bringing them up. Thalia also blogs at www.sacraparental.com

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