
If you’ve got a baby or toddler, you’ll love this magazine. Little Treasures has been described as a “coffee group in print”. It’s crammed with detailed hands-on information to help parents answer the curly questions like “How do I get my three-year-old to eat veges?” or “When will my baby sleep through the night?”

Little Treasures readers are parents of babies and pre-schoolers and they are hungry for information on every aspect of parenting and what is best for their families. Little Treasures is always warm and supportive: it is often described as a ‘coffee group in print’. It offers a wealth of ideas and shared experiences.
For more than a decade, Little Treasures has boasted one of the biggest magazine subscription bases in the country.

WINNER Contract Magazine of the Year!
Announced at the 2007 New Zealand Magazine Publishing Awards


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.


  1. I love this magazine. I had joined up to the Little Treasures Baby Club
    after my son was born and was getting the magazine delivered to me.
    Unfortunately, I can’t afford to buy the magazine each time so only get
    it occassionally. I love reading the different articles. There’s always
    something interesting in the magazine.

  2. I am waiting to join up again at parent child show. its worth the price and you get discount coupons as well.

  3. i cannot wait to get the children off to bed so i can settle down and
    have a read. I always read this mag from cover to cover, but the best
    part of the mag are the letters.

  4. I joined the club was i was expecting my third. I was able to use the
    discount vouchers but as my son is getting back i nolonger use the
    vouchers. Ok with parents with baby under 1

  5. I love this mag. I am a member of the treasures club and join evey year
    at the parent child show that way i get extra freebies with it. IT has
    solid topics, issues that relate to us Kiwis. I like to enter the
    competions. They have freebies to give away and every issue has

  6. This mag is good if you have children under 4 or so. but i dont buy
    treasures dappers so it becomes a waste for all the coupons. Good NZ

  7. This is a great mag my friend and i always sit down with a cuppa and
    have a natter about the articles and advice given great for all parents
    even grandparents !!

  8. I have subscribed to this magazine since I was first pregnant – over 4
    years ago. Little Treasures is a fantastic magazine with lots of
    interesting, informative, and fun information and activities. I look
    forward to receiving it every 2nd month, and especially so during the
    early breastfeeding months, when I spent a lot of time sitting on the

  9. I love this magazine and read it cover to cover whenever it arrives. Always packed with great advice and information.

  10. It’s just that once you get past the nappies stage, it’s no longer
    relevant. I love the craft section and cooking too. My favourite would
    be the readers photo competitions. The competitions are great. All round
    a great resource for parents.

    Treasures when I was pregnant which was great, not sure if I’d buy it for myself tho…

  11. is a very informative magazine and has alot of interesting articles my 2 year old loves looking at it to

  12. i liked reading these mags from time to time it was quite fasinating but
    i find that the book now days has changed so much compared to in the
    beggining when i first started reading these mags but all in all you
    have to keep up with the times and i find this book helps keep you in

  13. i like this book i found that it helped me qute a bit being a new mum. but i think that the price should be a bit cheaper.

  14. Lilmissprecious Reply

    i love little tresures magazines because of all the competitions and
    because of the discounts you get. it’s also good to read about other
    mums and there experiences with there children this book helps you to
    feel that “oh this is a normal thing that my child is doing lol” it’s
    also fun to read not like some boring magazines. it also shows you soe
    of the latest fashions whic is great

  15. I read it from cover to cover, some articles are not so relevant now but
    the letters are what makes me keep reading. Over the years I have
    referred back to previous copies and used the advice from articles etc.
    The letters are from real people and not glossed over which is what I
    think every parent wants. Treasures take on suggestions of story ideas
    when they can also. I think it is a must for new parents because it
    shows you are not alone in what ever situation you find yourself in.

  16. I got given a subscription to this magazine and it has been a fantastic
    present. I really look forward to my new magazine in the post and read
    it cover to cover several times while breastfeeding to pass the time.
    Great articles, recipe ideas.
    Handy resource to keep and refer to as NZ ideas

  17. I love getting my Little Treasures in the letterbox. I put it aside so I
    can read it with peace and quiet around me …. which is becoming more
    and more difficult. I especially love the letters to the Editor section
    as it really gives you a feel for other readers views and thoughts too.
    Articles are always well written and varied, and I love the food section now that we are eating as a family.

  18. Got subscribed to this by my sister while I’m pregnant and its great to
    read everyone elses stories, and it has lots of great information when
    your a mum to be/mum with young children.
    Its great when you get it in the mail and the first time you get it , you get a few handy coupons and things as well.
    think its a great mag with loads of relevant information and cute
    pictures and has lots of stories from other parents in the same


  19. Whakaponotetau Reply

    I got one in my bounty pack when I was pregnant, but because all the
    competitions had run out (it was about 3 months old), I didn’t bother
    with it. However I have just been given one from one of the mums in my
    coffee group and absolutely LOVE it. I even pulled out the old one just
    to read through it. The articles were interesting, the peoples
    stories, and at only $3.40 and issue (if you subscribe online for 2
    yrs), I think it’s well worth it. Subscription’s the way to go (plus
    you get a freebie pack and can get discounts online too)

  20. Discovered the mag in Hospital, so just had to join, and I find it so
    worth it, Has great info, great comps and the extra discounts you get in
    the mail as well. its a great magazine worth every penny spent

  21. Little Treasures magazine was a saviour when my girls were babies. Lots
    of ideas and hints – it always renewed my enthusiasim as parent. i agree
    though that now my eldest is 3 that it’s no longer as relevent –
    although some articles are aimed at pre schoolers. My subscription of
    three years has just expired and I won’t renew it, but would recommend
    it to any new Mum

  22. I found this magazine was brilliant when I was pregnant and in the early
    years of my daughters life however felt we ‘outgrew’ it once my
    daughter was over a few years old. I enjoyed reading other parents
    experiences and found it nice to know others experienced similar things.

  23. love reading it has great informative articles and it’s nice to read
    letters from other parents and realise I’m not the only one with many
    issues! I pass it on to my friends at coffee group.

  24. Childrestraints Reply

    But not the best. Little Treasures started to repeat articles a bit too
    often, did not look after subscribers, and articles often differ from
    those submitted. Price increased a lot lately also.
    However it seems that the latest magazine was worth buying for the awesome Cd.

  25. i get this mag in the post with my memebership, but i have always lucked
    out on the freebies that come with the ones in the shop! find it more
    suited to parents with small babies rather then toddlers, was great
    through my pregnancy reading other mums stories about preg and labour
    but now our daughter is 21mths not all that much is in their that apeals
    to me, i tend to flick through to the compititions and freebies!

  26. Have been getting it now for almost 3 years, try to read from cover to
    cover unfortunately both my boys keep me so busy I only get a quick
    read. Great articles.

  27. I enjoy my Little Treasures magazine, however I have found that now my
    daughter is 3 there is very little in it that is relevant anymore. Still
    enjoy the letters section though! 

  28. I always read this mag from cover to cover, but the best part of the mag
    are the letters. It tends to be a tad male bashing for my liking, with
    articles like “Meals so easy even dad can make them” etc, which is a
    bit rough on those men out there that help out a lot. I was given a
    subscription to Treasures when I was pregnant which was great, not sure
    if I’d buy it for myself tho…

  29. The world stops when this arrives in my letterbox, the letters always
    are interesting, I love the craft section and cooking too. My favourite
    would be the readers photo competitions. The competitions are great. All
    round a great resource for parents.

  30. I loved this magazine when we had babies and toddlers. It’s good fun
    and informative to read. It’s just that once you get past the nappies
    stage, it’s no longer relevant (well, I guess it is a way for Treasures
    to promote their nappies, after all!)

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