
Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to lead is a brave book and an important one.

Sheryl Sandberg has led a challenging career and a successful one. She’s worked in groundbreaking companies. She has also often been the only woman in the room, the only woman at the table, or the woman to say- something’s not quite right here, and something has to change. She writes to champion women and to start that change.

I’m liking

This is a good book. It is a book to champion women- yes. To encourage, and support, an increased role in the workplace. But it is more. It is to be read by men and women, to truly have impact- something she actively encourages.

It is to support every woman. Professional women, in the workforce. Women, not in the workforce. Women, wherever they may choose to be. It is to support women supporting each other and encouraging progression through the ranks. But also, to support individuals in supporting themselves.

She tells personal stories throughout the book. Of difficult situations and of finding balance (or of doing the darn best she can to try for balance). It’s easily structured to tell a story and encourage, not lecture. She makes it personal and relatable. And – important.

Things that made me go hmmmm

This is a book to challenge. To employ change. There have been interesting interviews and reviews, some critical, perhaps not as fair as they could have been.

Delve into it and make your own call.

The conclusion

This book continues her part in an important conversation. She introduced it with a TED talk in 2010; this is the next step of hers with more planned. It offers encouragement, structure and an “I’ve been there”.

It is also for men. Everyone is a part of this change. I’m recommending it far and wide.


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