
Kai Carrier make reusable food pouches that can be filled with homemade food so you know exactly what you and your children are eating while minimising the mess.

They were designed by a Kiwi mum who discovered a gap in the market when trying to cater for her own children. The result were these awesome creations that can be used from infant to adult.

I’m liking

I can’t believe I only just found out about these pouches. When I first sent my 3 year old to kindy, all my go-to staples for snacks like nuts and eggs were banned due to allergies! So I was really pulling at strings to find food she would eat to put in her lunchbox.

My little girl has never really liked yogurt, but she loves smoothies, I found that the pouches in this set are fantastic for putting homemade smoothies in her lunchbox which she just loves! We make them first thing in the morning and place them in the freezer until we are ready to go, this keeps them nice and chilled.

I also have an 8 month old, and I use the pouches for homemade baby food. These have been great to use when I’m on the go. They’ve also cut out a lot of my own mother’s guilt, because now I can feed him homemade food when we are out and about (which is a lot these days running a toddler around), and don’t have to worry about processed nasties.

Not only are the pouches awesome and handy to use for the kids, the snack pack has come in super handy for my own lunches. I often fill them with dried fruit and nuts to take to work.

I really love how these pouches can be used for lots of different things. For instance, we have been using our 800ml pouches for storing and freezing our chicken broth.

Things that made me go hmmmm

One thing that my husband and I thought would be a helpful addition to the pouches is having a fill line. It took us a couple of goes to get the quantity correct so it didn’t spill over when closing.

The conclusion

Overall this product has been a great addition to our kitchen. Not only is it helping me cut down on waste, it’s also making it easy for me to stick to my food values when feeding my children on the go.

Kai carrier pouch pack RRP – $39.00
3 pack – 140ml pouches with choke proof lids RRP – $10.00

Check out our lunchbox review page for more great lunch box reviews.


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.

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