
Today’s children hear about sex all the time–on television, in the movies, and from their friends. But what they hear and see does not always give a healthy or even an accurate view of sexuality. This unique book, the only one of its kind for preteens, uses a question-and-answer format to offer straight-forward information on a wide variety of subjects that often concern and mystify young people.



This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.


  1. I have used this book many times, checking it out from the library
    multiple times until I finally bought it. It is short, simple and
    covered a lot of information. This book is non-judgemental and opens up
    dialogue in a relaxing way.
    Could it get any worse?

  2. After reading the reviews I was excited to get this book and discuss it
    with my 12 year old daughter. But I was very disappointed when I began
    reviewing it and found that it was very graphic and not appropriate for
    her age at all. It discussed masturbation, detailed intercourse, and had
    photos of a grown man’s penis. 

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