
The magnificent Capital E National Theatre for Children turned 15 this year and is celebrating with another glorious piece of theatre- Ivy: Saviour of the Dinosaur is a witty, fast-paced romp through history accompanied by Ivy- an eccentric museum cleaner who is determined to save the dinosaur from extinction.

I’m liking

This play was originally conceived as a solo piece by writer and performer Jennifer Martin and the majority of the play is still performed solo. Martin’s Ivy is quirky, funny and just a little bit sad. But you’ll adore her passion and her amazing space travelling trolley.

Although most of the play is a solo piece, there are some lovely cameos from a range of characters from Galileo through to Guy Fawkes and Neil Armstrong (Nick Dunbar). While the play certainly doesn’t suffer from lack of pace, the addition of Dunbar’s characters gives a lovely lift in energy and makes for some fabulous moments of humour.

At 3 1/2, my daughter was probably just old enough for this show. Although she didn’t really get many of the jokes, there was enough physical comedy and Ivy herself is humorous enough to keep her entertained for the full 50 minutes. I’d suggest that this show is best suited for 5-6+ as they will get more of the jokes. However, if you want to take a younger child along, rest assured that they won’t be bored! I think this show is probably perfectly suited to an 8-10 year old with an interest in dinosaurs… they’ll adore it!

The conclusion

A fabulously entertaining show. If you have a child who loves dinosaurs it’s a must but don’t feel limited by this; this show has enough pace and spectacle to appeal to any child or adult! Go and rustle up your nearest small person – you don’t want to miss seeing Ivy: Saviour of the Dinosaur.


Rochelle is mum to three gorgeous daughters. She wishes she had more time to garden and read the newspaper in peace!

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