
Dom has just left school and plans to go to uni the following year, but isn’t quite convinced about what to take. He’s spending the summer in the meantime hanging out with his school mates and doing some painting for his Dad’s work. Dom finds his Dad, Justin, really embarrassing as he is young and hip. He likes the same clothes, music and unfortunately, girls, as Dom. Justin is a complete airhead as far as Dom’s concerned, particularly with his job at an ad agency. So when a company exec asks both Dom and Justin to come up with separate ad pitches for his toothpaste, Dom thinks this is a great way to show up his father.

I’m liking

Leonie is a hilarious writer. She captures the frustration of Dom and Justin with each other really well and I think she has portrayed Dom as the naive, awkward and slightly up himself teenager nicely. I laughed out loud at quite a few parts. Some of the chapters start with pitches for ad campaigns, which are great.She deals with some big topics, particularly the “what do I do with my life” dilemma which could lead to interesting discussions. This is a really quick read, especially because i really wanted to find out what happens with the ad pitch.

Things that made me go hmmmm

Very little actually! The one thing that didn’t click with me was the back story about Justin’s family. But I can’t really comment on that without giving things away!

The conclusion

I’d recommend it for junior or middle high schoolers who enjoy humorous stories, or adults like me who enjoy a good YA book! I look forward to more along similar lines from Leonie.


Rochelle is mum to three gorgeous daughters. She wishes she had more time to garden and read the newspaper in peace!

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