
When Hannah wakes suddenly in the night, she discovers a whole new world of adventure. With nobody awake to tell her off, she can do just as she pleases. And what child does not love that idea? Hannah’s Night is another gorgeous offering from Gecko Press.

I’m liking

The images in this book have a very limited palette and make use of broad brush strokes to give a dream-like quality to the pictures. This fits perfectly with the sense of night time exploration. I love the way that the textured images capture so much detail with the broadest of sweeps.

My older children share a bedroom and my 4 year old was totally engaged with this story. She could totally sense the adventure in playing with her siblings’ toys without them knowing and loved the idea of sneaking through the house without supervision.

The conclusion

As always, this Gecko Press book totally hits the mark. There is something wide-eyed and adventurous about this book and while the story is gentle and engaging, and the pictures are utterly entrancing.


Rochelle is mum to three gorgeous daughters. She wishes she had more time to garden and read the newspaper in peace!

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