
Granny Chic: Crafy Recipes and Inspiration for the Handmade Home is an inspiring little book that will have you itching for your sewing machine and thinking of projects. Think Make Do and Mend with liberal dashes of crafty, cool and stylish.

I’m liking

This is a sweet, cheery book that reads as a scrapbook. It has a wide appeal. This should really be a co-review as my own Granny loved it with much of it familiar to her. It brims with more practical information on where to seek things out, useful tips, customisable projects, and friendly writing.

Things that made me go hmmmm

Some of the projects were much of a muchness- I would have liked even more. I was looking for more practical things that would leap our that I knew that I’d use. However, it does serve as a very useful starting point and will send you in the right direction.

The conclusion

I’d suggest as a gem of inspiration to start on your own projects and find out more. It was nice to see how easy it can be to make use of things already lying around the house (or from helpful family members).


Rochelle is mum to three gorgeous daughters. She wishes she had more time to garden and read the newspaper in peace!

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