
Good Food Made Simple is all about cooking food that brings warmth to a kitchen, laughter and pleasure to a home. It’s about new twists on old standbys and delicious meals made easy for the everyday cook.

I’m liking

The thing I really like about Gofton’s books is that they are accessible even to home cooks like me! Even flicking through the book, I felt like there were loads of recipes that I might actually make! Filled with sumptuous pictures, the book made me want to get into the kitchen!

I also really liked the way that many of the recipes had variations, tips or ways to ‘jazz up’ the recipes in side bars alongside the page.

My review material tells me that this book retails for $50 but I found it on Fishpond for $42.72 – which seems remarkably reasonable for a 300 page book!

The conclusion

This is probably not a book for those who are really, really into cooking and like complex recipes. But it’s a great book for those who have to cook everyday and feed the family. It gave me some good ideas for simple twists on my usual dishes and was full of the kinds of food that I have in the cupboard. I’ve found myself returning again and again to this book for inspiration and I’m sure that I will continue to do so.

Check out Gofton’s recipes for White chocolate cheesecake with raspberry puree and Prawn and chicken coconut curry.


Rochelle is mum to three gorgeous daughters. She wishes she had more time to garden and read the newspaper in peace!

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