
Fathers Who Dare Win was self-published eleven years ago, sold strongly and now Ian Grant has updated and revised it for today’s generation of fathers. While the book is targeted at fathers, it’s a useful read for all parents.

I’m liking

This is an intensely practical book. There are hints and tips spread throughout and the last section of the book is a series weekly ideas to help be a great father (or parent!). There are suggestions for dealing with all manner of modern parenting issues- from strategies for dealing with meal times to issues with technology.

The book is written in easily digested, bite-sized chapters and it’s easy to dip in and out of.

Things that made me go hmmmm

The book does have a slightly role-defined approach (i.e. it’s quite focused on male roles and female roles) but as long as you’re aware of this, it probably won’t bother you too much.

The conclusion

Ian and Mary Grant are a bit of an institution in New Zealand and this book is a reflection of the decades that they have spent working with families. They really know their mustard and this is a practical, sensible approach to parenting. A great book for dads- and mums!


Rochelle is mum to three gorgeous daughters. She wishes she had more time to garden and read the newspaper in peace!

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