
Easy Rider aims to encourages everyone into cycling, remembering that ease and enthusiasm of being on two wheels. It’s sprinkled with fun and good humour, breaking down barriers along the way- and providing a very accessible guide to getting on a bike.

I’m liking

This didn’t last long on the coffee table. It was soon picked up and a good sign when partner is quoting sentences; then longer snippets; then paragraphs and then- you’ve got to hurry up and read this, it’s really good!
This turned into a co-review with a not-very-often reader.

This is informative, but balanced by being easy to read and insightful with experience. It covers mechanics; useful technique; the cycling community; highway code (still with charm and humour) and everything else in between. There are playfully worded headings and entertaining quotes at the bottom of every page.

The author notes he’s known as “they guy who’s always riding his bike”. He knows his stuff. You can pick this up at any level and you will always glean more from it.

I particularly liked the non-rider they used as a guinea pig throughout: “The Chump”. He chronicles his first ride to work, then keeps going for a six week trial. He also starts carving out racing trails in the name of research. Other new riders stories are told which makes it seem all very accessible, including a Mum with little children. It encourages incorporating cycling into life, a sort of European approach, to enjoy it and use it.

Things that made me go hmmmm


One of the things that made it even better is that it’s New Zealand based. He understands the environment and conditions, and it is relevant.

The conclusion

Charming to read and reminds you of the pure fun of your first big bike, in getting places and in freedom.
An incredible amount of effort and detail has gone into this and you can tell. It is thoughtful, written with care and an easy read as a complete beginner but still so much to gain as an oftentimes cyclist- indeed, enjoyable when it is this funny.

Worth every cent and keep an eye out for it as the perfect book to buy partner/friend/brother/sister/adult children interested in cycling and the helpful step to get back into it.


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