
The one…the Only…The FABULOUS

When a slow stork finally delivers Mrs. Jumbo’s pint-sized baby elephant, he’s the talk of the circus. But with a pair of oversized ears, baby Dumbo is laughed at and ridiculed. With remarkable courage and the help of his loyal friend Timothy Mouse, Dumbo overcomes all odds in a triumphant celebration of love and determination.

Cast: Verna Felton, Cliff Edwards, Billy Bletcher, Herman Bing, Edward Brophy, Jim Carmichael, Noreen Gambol

Director: Ben Sharpsteen

Running Time: 62 mins

Rating: G – Suitable for general audiences


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.


  1. This is a beautiful peace of work. Brilliant! Dumbo is the sweetest,
    most trusting and adorable character.This film is an hour of perfection.
    No family should be without this DVD.

  2. the most beautiful stories ever told. What an awesome movie, a favourite in our house

  3. i love this movie and i have made my step kids watch it a few times as
    they teased on of their friends by calling her Dumbo as she has big
    ears. Good movie

  4. This movie is colourful, fun and suspenseful and funny. Any adult may
    think it is only for kids but you are wrong. I laughed out loud with
    with my kids watching this movie. It’s a really good movie. I
    recommend the movie for any who has children.

  5. Considering this movie is 50+ years old, it hasn’t really dated all that
    much. It’s all about being different and how painful that can be and
    how finding friends and finding someone to believe in you is that start
    to believing in yourself and finding a place to fit in. There’s not a
    lot of talk in this movie, but it speaks volumes. A moral tale that
    kids (my two are 3.5) of all ages love and want to see again and again.

  6. I watched this as a little boy and thought it was sad how he was picked
    upon. My children love this movie and i think its a great story.

  7. Apparently this was the first movie I saw at the cinema as a child in
    London – and I remember loving it! (although apparently I did get sad
    and cry at one point).

    My kids love it too, and it definitely rates as one of the family classics that every child should see.

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