
Call Me Dad! is packed with information on everything from pregnancy and preparing for the baby, to the end of that first unbelievable year. The book is based on the authors’ own experiences of fatherhood and includes lots of tips and real life stories from the global DIYFather community of fathers.

Call Me Dad!, the best selling book, is essential reading for new fathers and every guy who is about to enter fatherhood! It was specifically written by fathers for fathers and provides a unique take on parenthood from a male perspective. The 200-page book is published by New Holland Publishers as a practical soft cover edition in full color. Call Me Dad! provides helpful advice about all aspects of being a dad, such as:

  • What to expect during pregnancy: Antenatal classes, medical appointments, birth plans and preparing for the big day
  • Working out the logistics: Deciding who’s going to look after the baby, where the baby will sleep, what essential items you need to buy and what not to buy
  • Surviving the birth: What you can expect and where you fit in as a dad during labor
  • Life after birth: How to survive the first days when you don’t have a clue what you’re doing! Suggestions for what you can do to support your partner
  • Establishing routines: Feeding, sleeping and hygiene tips and techniques
  • Different exercises you can try with baby at different ages, from baby massage to playing catch.

This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.

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