Dance all your favourite stories to life in a series of workshops with Java Dance.
Java reunites with Capital E in a new series of dance workshops. Children will twist and turn out a tale in Dance A Story.
From giraffes who can’t dance, to rhinos that rock & roll and lions who tango, we’ll explore a magical world of movement. Your favourite characters will spring to life as we jump, spin and tip-toe to each story. Stories include Giraffes Can’t Dance, Mister Whistler, Duck’s Stuck and The Animal Undie Ball.
I’m liking
This was awesome!
A fabulous way to get preschoolers interested in dance.
The structure and pacing was perfect for little ones: they base the class around a movement related story and every page or so get up and dance in a way related to the story.
Things that made me go hmmmm
A general hmmm about classes at capital E central – there is so much to do there, that reluctant children are often hard to get involved in the class. My boy just wanted to play with all the other equipment rather than dance. If the class had been in a separate room without the distraction of iPads etc, I think he would have joined in.
The conclusion
If you have preschoolers who love to dance, this is a must-do!