
Cattra’s Legacy is a tale about Risha, a young girl who must undertake a dangerous journey when her father dies to discover her true origins and identity. “Unravelling secrets buried in the past will reshape Risha’s future – but in her search she is less alone than she believes. She is less safe than she knows.” 348 pages.

I’m liking

The descriptions are vivid and the pictures of travelling traders, horseback riding, long cloaks and messages carried on scrolls are attractive. As a heroine, Risha is strong and the reader can identify with her and her questions.

Things that made me go hmmmm

The style of the book is that the reader knows no more than Risha does about her true identity. This knowledge is non-existent at the start and increases only very gradually, which irritated me no end!! This may not bother a more patient reader, or those more accustomed to reading between the lines.

The conclusion

Risha’s story is worth a read for those who enjoy books about this sort of quasi-medieval life and don’t mind a lot of mystery.


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