
Yesterday my husband and I took our two boys aged 3.5 and 16 months along to Bloom Family Festival for the day. While the weather started out rather miserably wet, the clouds cleared up and we were able to enjoy more of the attractions after lunch.

Right from the moment you got into the gates, you were struck by the colourful and cheerful decorations everywhere. The attention to detail was lovely – even on the walk from the car park into the main area, the boys spotted bright artificial lilies and inflatable vivid green frogs in the little streams we walked over and loved the strings of gorgeous lanterns overhead. Flags were everywhere, along with pirates on stilts, fairies blowing bubbles, jugglers and skateboarders for entertainment.

Since the area was so spread out (and probably partly due to the rain), the place was lively but not crowded at all. This was great for us with our two littlies: no long lines or waits and plenty of space for the boys to roam without getting lost.

The most popular hits with the boys included the bouncy castlemaze (neither wanted to stop going through it), petting the farm animals, the train ride and the giant Connect Four board game.

Mr 3.5 exclaimed, “Oh wow, this is so cool!” on arriving at the playground that had a pirate ship and fire engine to play in.

Mr. 16 months couldn’t stop squealing in delight at the animals (what is it about kids chasing ducks?) and got so excited to see the Cars characters in the Disney area and enjoying dressed up in costume.

We ended up staying for longer than we had planned because there were so many different activities suitable for the boys and they certainly didn’t want to go home! Of all the family-day-out events I have been to, this one had the most relaxed vibe of them all. We left tired but not exhausted.

Thanks Kiwi Families for giving us the tickets to go along and enjoy the fun, I hope Bloom is back next year!


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