
Self improvement consultant Densyse Saunders’ new book “Beautiful You” is primarily a personal grooming guide. It includes advice on skin and hair care, make-up, clothes, accessories, exercise, meditation and positive thinking.

I’m liking

This book contains some sensible advice that I wish someone had given me 15 years ago (before the damage was done!), including daily use of sunscreen. It also contains some tips I’m glad to know now, including which styles of clothes and swimwear are most likely to flatter my body shape.

Aside from a bit of a plug for Galvanic Spa facial treatments, the book does not push particular products but focuses on generic advice.

The book is well arranged and easy to dip in and out of. The book also contains images of women of all ages (including some wrinkly ones) which is quite refreshing.

Things that made me go hmmmm

According to Saunders, “creating a beautiful inner you is essential to having a beautiful outer you”. Yet her book is three-quarters about improving the outer you. The final section of the book (Staying Young and Beautiful on the Inside) feels genuine but it’s certainly not the main focus of the book.

The book’s 30 strong checklist of anti-aging “musts” is a bit intimidating. It includes daily mediation, walks and breast massage, weekly natural face lifts, pedicures and manicures, and occasional teeth whitening, breath analysis, podiatrist and corsetiere visits. I suspect the entire regime is likely to be difficult for the average woman to sustain while also maintaining other aspects of her life, including a career or a family. A better approach might be to pick out a few of Saunder’s tips to apply.

In the book’s cover shot, Saunders certainly looks younger than her 54 years. Unfortunately, however, her eye make-up is too heavy and the whole effect is, dare I say it, a bit cheap looking. This made me immediately skeptical about how fresh and modern her styling advice was likely to be. Redo the cover shot for any future reprints Denyse, this picture doesn’t do you or your book justice.

The conclusion

Beautiful You will be of interest to women who feel like they need a bit of help with their personal grooming or styling.


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