
Psychologist Nigel Latta brings us great advice for surviving parenting. This bite-sized book contains a series of essays dealing with issues from dealing with bad behaviour to how to deal with teachers.

I’m liking

This book is a quick, easy, and humorous read. Latta brings his trademark commonsense approach to the book and you can hear his popular approach in each of the essays. The essays are short- usually 2-3 pages- and cover a range of topics. You can dip in and out certainly don’t have to read the book chronologically. Like the tv show, the one-liners come thick and fast and, if you’re a fan, you’ll love the humour and probably find yourself nodding along.

Things that made me go hmmmm

At times, the gags seem to come at the expense of an actual point but that’s kinda Latta’s style.

The conclusion

This is a practical and useful little parenting guide. There are some great tips and it covers a range of important topics. If you’re looking for a step-by-step guide, this is probably not the book for you but if you want a bit of a laugh and some things to think about, try this one.


Rochelle is mum to three gorgeous daughters. She wishes she had more time to garden and read the newspaper in peace!

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