
Elina, heroine of the Fairytopia films tells her friend Bibble the story of Flutterfield, a faraway kingdom populated by fairies with butterfly wings. Henna, the evil butterfly fairy has poisoned the queen of Flutterfield in an attempt to take over the kingdom. Due to this, the lights protecting Flutterfield are in danger of going out. These lights protect Flutterfield from the “Skezites”, monsters who eat butterfly fairies, and are connected to the life of Flutterfield’s queen. It’s up to Mariposa, Rayna and Rayla to find an antidote to save the queen.

Cast:  [voices of] Chiara Zanni, Tabitha St. Germain, Kathleen Barr, Erin Mathews, Nicole Oliver, Alessandro Juliani

Conrad Helten [feature debut]

Running Time:
1 hour, 15 mins

(G) Animated Kids



This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.


  1. Our daughters absolutely love Barbie, since my 6year got this DVD we
    have to watch it everyday, it uses to be Barbie as Rapunzel but this DVD
    has even overtaken that.

    The best thing about Barbie is that it is great for the whole family, with such great stories that you can’t help but watch.

    Happy watching all.

  2. I bought this film for my friend’s daughter for her birthday. When she
    sleeps over the portable DVD player and DVD is always nearby. My son
    watched it as well and they liked it a lot. Their favourite characters
    were the butterfly fairies.

  3. Yes, my daughter loves it, but I have to say this is the worst of the movies that they’ve put out.

  4. This movie has so much beautiful animation. Full of sprarkles, fairies
    and my kids just loved this movie. this movie has kept my kids quiet
    for hours during holidays.

  5. Good, but not as good as the first few Barbie videos, although any little girl couldn’t fail to love the gorgeous animation.

  6. My daughter loves all the Barbie movies and this one is no exception.
    We’ve already watched it twice and I’m sure she’ll want to see it again
    tonight after school.

    There were some intense scenes, but they
    didn’t seem to bother her – but again, she’s six, not a toddler. And I
    did like the message of the film. Although I am not really enthralled
    with the Barbie movies like my daughter, I do have to say that,
    visually, this is the most spectacular of them so far.

  7. My 7-year old niece really enjoys this movie and had watched it at least
    5 times in the first 2 weeks. The first time she watched it, I watched
    it with her, and at no time was I completely bored with the story. The
    animation in this series continues to improve with each new release. The
    voice acting is good and the story is enjoyable with characters that
    keep the viewers interested.
    If you have a young daughter/ niece who
    enjoys the other animated Barbie series, you will probably want to add
    this to your collection.

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