
Introducing Little Baa Baa, Quirky Turkey and Silly Billy. This delightful story of trickery driven by boredom is a fun read for children and adults alike. Best of all, Baa Baa Smart Sheep is a New Zealand piece of literature created by Waiheke based author and illustrator couple Mark and Rowan Sommerset.

I’m liking

The ‘toilet’ talk, the conversation between two animals and the idea that Silly Billy is in for some more of Little Baa Baa’s cheekiness but the reader is left hanging with ‘what-if’s’ in their mind. Great discussion starter opportunities when reading it with preschool and primary aged children and a good message – just because something is ‘free’ does it mean we should get it?

The conclusion

When I first read this story in the bookshop I smiled the whole way through the story and had to buy it. I have just purchased the sequel – I Love Lemonade, and find it as intriguing as Baa Baa Smart Sheep. My son’s class teacher (Year 4) has borrowed these books from me to share with his class and I have purchased both books for her as an end of year teacher gift.
I recommend this story for anyone with children, or who spend time with children from the ages of 0 through to adults. Tip: read it how you think the animals would say it if they could talk for maximum engagement in the story.

P.S. Sense of humour is a requirement for enjoyment!


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