
Black Beauty is handsome and sweet-tempered but strong, spirited, and with fine instincts. His various owners make him do all kinds of tasks, from being a carriage horse on a country estate to a cab horse in town. Black Beauty’s tale is one of the best-loved animal stories ever written. Upon its publication in 1877, Black Beauty was an instant success. It is a heartwarming tale told from the perspective of a horse named Black Beauty whose courage and perseverance sustain him as he travels from one owner to the next, often experiencing cruelty and mistreatment.

Anna Sewell was born in 1820 in Yarmouth, England. An accident in her early teens prevented her from ever walking upright again, but she was still able to ride her horses. She wrote Black Beauty as a call to treat animals, and especially horses, with respect and understanding.


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.


  1. Wow this is a classic. I think nearly every girl has
    a thing for horses in their childhood and this is the perfect book for
    that time in their life. I always wanted my own Black Beauty.

  2. I have read this book during school years and now my daughter is reading it. I think this is a classic story.

  3. Black Beauty was the best book i ever read yet.it makes you feel
    like you’re Black Beauty i hated when the he was ill used i am never
    going to forget JOE GREEN and JERRY BARKER who were kind to him. I
    thought skinner should have not make Black Beauty suffer so much. The
    condion was horrible with ginger in poor ginger i wanted to kill that
    man who made ginger suffer.

  4. Such a classic book, but I agree its more of a girls book, and especially for the country girl!

  5. more of a girl story. i have seen the movie too. I read it as a child and liked it.

  6. Rocketpower Reply

    I read it as a child and liked it. More of a girls book I think.

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