
It’s 1957 and Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) and his friend Mac (Ray Winstone) find their situation compromised in the Roswell desert when soviet agents, led by psychic Irana Spalko (Cate Blanchett) force them to help locate the whereabouts of a mysterious artefact.

Indy manages to escape their clutches and get back to Marshall College, where he learns that he must take an indefinite leave of absence as he‘s now feared of being a communist sympathiser. When heading for his next destination he’s greeted by a young man by the name of Mutt Williams (Shia LaBeouf), who asks of Jones to help him search for Indy’s old friend Harold Oxley (John Hurt), a researcher who had once found a crystal skull of unknown origin in the mountains of Peru. Mutt desperately needs Indy’s help, informing him that his mother Marion (Karen Allen) has been kidnapped by those seeking the skull, in a bid to unlock its secret powers and put an end to the cold war.

Cast: Harrison Ford, Cate Blanchett, Karen Allen, Shia LaBeouf, Ray Winstone, John Hurt, Jim Broadbent,

Director: Steven Spielberg

Running Time: 
122 mins

(M)  unsuitable for small children  


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.


  1. I have read the other reviews and I disagree. After we watched Indiana
    Jones My son (9 years) old wanted me to hire the other ones as well. He
    just couldn’t get enough of Indiana Jones. This is a very adventurous
    action packed movie. Especially for little boys who loves snakes and

  2. What a disappointment! Ford doesn’t seem very engaged, and the first
    half of the movie is routine and boring. It picks up at the end – mostly
    because of special effects.

  3. I hated this movie the wrost of all his movies. having allens in
    Indiana Jones movies. I was so bored when i watched this movie.

  4. I agree that this did not belong with the other Indiana Jones movies.
    Harrison ford just slept through the entire movie. The script was too
    tongue in cheek and relied on stale references to the other movies. I
    actually fell asleep for about 10 minutes and when I woke up I didn’t
    seem to miss anything. This is definitely a waste of the millions they
    put into it. No more, please. Let Jones die a respectable death and
    please don’t have the “son” even attempt to fill his shoes! What’s his
    name, Shia?

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